Flexibilní financování
stvořené pro vás

Rychlé a transparentní financování, které splácíte přímo z tržeb přes váš Teya platební terminál.

Jaké jsou vaše měsíční tržby?
10 000 Kč
Jak dlouho vaše společnost působí na trhu?
(počet měsíců)
Můžete mít nárok až na *
12 000 Kč

*Částky se mohou lišit v závislosti na vašem kreditním profilu při zadání žádosti.

Flexibilní financování
stvořené pro vás

Rychlé a transparentní financování, které splácíte přímo z tržeb přes váš Teya platební terminál.

Jaké jsou vaše měsíční tržby?
10 000 Kč
Jak dlouho vaše společnost působí na trhu?
(počet měsíců)
Můžete mít nárok až na *
12 000 Kč

*Částky se mohou lišit v závislosti na vašem kreditním profilu při zadání žádosti.

Užijte si rychlé schválení a vyplacení finančních prostředků

S námi nemusíte čekat týdny na to, abyste zjistili, zda byla vaše žádost schválena. Na rozdíl od jiných možností financování dostanete odpověď během několika minut. Jakmile bude vaše žádost schválena, finanční prostředky obdržíte na vašem účtu do 24 hodin.

Žádejte online v několika
jednoduchých krocích

Začít s Teya financováním je jednoduché a bezproblémové. Stačí vám pár minut na vyplnění online žádosti.

Na rozdíl od tradičního bankovního úvěru nebudete potřebovat hromadu papírování ani dlouhé osobní schůzky. Místo toho si můžete žádost vyřídit online, z pohodlí svého domova. Žádost o financování neovlivní vaše kreditní skóre a není nutné poskytovat osobní zajištění.

Podrobnosti o financování


350 000 Kč

Konečný fixní poplatek

35 000 Kč

Splácení pomocí

5 % z denních tržeb

Odhadovaný termín splacení



385 000 Kč



Amounts are for display purposes only

Our manifesto:

A small business revolution

Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets, the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.

Small businesses are the love heart on a flat white that starts our day, and the reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy. They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

When local businesses thrive, we all do. Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

We're proud to serve the revolution for small businesses in Europe.

We're here to level the playing field because small businesses deserve a fighting chance against the giants of the high street.

We're here because banks and legacy service providers are making things harder for them. The best technology and the best service should not be reserved for those with the biggest headquarters.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.

Our manifesto:

A small business revolution

Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets, the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.

Small businesses are the love heart on a flat white that starts our day, and the reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy. They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

When local businesses thrive, we all do. Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

We're proud to serve the revolution for small businesses in Europe.

We're here to level the playing field because small businesses deserve a fighting chance against the giants of the high street.

We're here because banks and legacy service providers are making things harder for them. The best technology and the best service should not be reserved for those with the biggest headquarters.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.

Our manifesto:

A small business revolution

Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets, the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.

Small businesses are the love heart on a flat white that starts our day, and the reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy. They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

When local businesses thrive, we all do. Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

We're proud to serve the revolution for small businesses in Europe.

We're here to level the playing field because small businesses deserve a fighting chance against the giants of the high street.

We're here because banks and legacy service providers are making things harder for them. The best technology and the best service should not be reserved for those with the biggest headquarters.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.

Our manifesto:

A small business revolution

Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets, the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.

Small businesses are the love heart on a flat white that starts our day, and the reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy. They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

When local businesses thrive, we all do. Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

We're proud to serve the revolution for small businesses in Europe.

We're here to level the playing field because small businesses deserve a fighting chance against the giants of the high street.

We're here because banks and legacy service providers are making things harder for them. The best technology and the best service should not be reserved for those with the biggest headquarters.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.

A Small Business Evolution

Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets, the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.

Small businesses are the love heart on a flat white that starts our day, and the reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy. They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

When local businesses thrive, we all do. Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

We're proud to serve the revolution for small businesses in Europe.

We're here to level the playing field because small businesses deserve a fighting chance against the giants of the high street.

We're here because banks and legacy service providers are making things harder for them. The best technology and the best service should not be reserved for those with the biggest headquarters.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.



support our communities

A Small Business Evolution

  • Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets,

  • the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.

  • Small businesses are the love heart on a flat white that starts our day, and the reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

  • Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy.

  • They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

  • When local businesses thrive, we all do. Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

A small business revolution

A small business revolution

A Manifesto By Teya

Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets, the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.

Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets, the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.

Small businesses are the love heart 💚 on a flat white that starts our day, and the reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are the love heart 💚 on a flat white that starts our day, and the reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy. They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy. They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

When local businesses thrive,
we all do.
Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

When local businesses thrive,
we all do.
Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

We're proud to serve the revolution for small businesses in Europe.

We're here to level the playing field because small businesses deserve a fighting chance against the giants of the high street.

We're here to level the playing field because small businesses deserve a fighting chance against the giants of the high street.

We're here because banks and legacy service providers are making things harder for them. The best technology and the best service should not be reserved for those with the biggest headquarters.

We're here because banks and legacy service providers are making things harder for them. The best technology and the best service should not be reserved for those with the biggest headquarters.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.

Why do we do it?

Why do we do it?

A Manifesto By Teya

Why do we do it?

Why do we do it?

A Manifesto By Teya

A Small Business


Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets.

Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets.

Small businesses are reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are reminder of our humanity in a world where we often sacrifice connection for convenience.

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world,

Small businesses are the force that quietly powers our world, the backbone of our economy. They create most of our jobs, often for those closest to us, and their rewards come from great personal risk.

When local businesses thrive,
we all do.

When local businesses thrive,
we all do.

Their contribution to our communities deserves our energy and commitment.

We're proud to serve the revolution for small businesses in Europe.

We're here to
level the playing field.

We're here to
level the playing field.

We're here because banks and legacy service providers are making things harder for them.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.

We're here to fight for a future where small, local businesses can thrive.

% z denních tržeb které splácíte

1 350 Kč

Den 1

9 000 Kč

900 Kč

Den 2

6 000 Kč

Den 3

Žádné tržby

1 830 Kč

Den 4

12 200 Kč

Uvedené částky slouží pouze jako příklad

Splácení přizpůsobené vašim příjmům

Rozlučte se s pevně stanovenými měsíčními platbami a poplatky za pozdní splácení. Teya financování vám poskytne přístup k flexibilnímu financování podnikání. Platby se automaticky odečítají jako procento z tržeb prostřednictvím vašich Teya platebních terminálů nebo brány.

Flexibilní financovánístvořené pro vás

Rychlé a transparentní financování, které splácíte přímo z tržeb přes váš Teya platební terminál.


Small businesses are the colour and vibrancy of our high streets, the centre of connection, and the taste of local flavour.


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So, is this the place for you?

If our story sounds interesting and our mission sounds exciting, come and be a part of our journey.


"Teya has been a game-changer for our business! Fast transactions, easy setup, and happier customers. Highly recommend!"


"Teya has been a game-changer for our business! Fast transactions, easy setup, and happier customers. Highly recommend!"

Enjoy (almost) instant approval and fast payouts

With Teya, there’s no waiting for weeks to know if your application is approved. Unlike other financing options, you can get a response in minutes. Once your application is approved, your Cash Advance funds are deposited into your account in as little as 24 hours.

Apply online
in a few steps

Začít s Teya financováním je jednoduché a bezproblémové. Stačí vám pár minut na vyplnění online žádosti.

Unlike a traditional bank loan, you’ll not need lots of paperwork or long in-person meetings. Instead, you can apply online, from the comfort of your home. The application won’t affect your credit score and there is no need for you to provide a personal guarantee as collateral. 

Confirm your funding

Total funding


One time fee


Paid using

5% of daily sales

Estimated final payment by




Go back


Amounts are for display purposes only

% of daily sales go towards payments


Day 1



Day 2


Day 3

No sales


Day 4


Amounts are for display purposes only

Pay for your funding with a sales-based payment plan

Say goodbye to rigid monthly payments and late fees. Teya Cash Advance gives you access to flexible business funding. Payments are automatically deducted as a percentage of your Teya card machine sales. This payment structure aligns with your revenue cycles and reduces financial stress.

Často kladené otázky

Kdo může žádat o flexibilní financování?

Kdo může žádat o flexibilní financování?

Kdo může žádat o flexibilní financování?

Kolik mě bude finacování stát?

Kolik mě bude finacování stát?

Kolik mě bude finacování stát?

Proč si vybrat Teya před tradičními půjčkami?

Proč si vybrat Teya před tradičními půjčkami?

Proč si vybrat Teya před tradičními půjčkami?

Na co mohu použít Teya financování?

Na co mohu použít Teya financování?

Na co mohu použít Teya financování?

Co je Teya flexibilní financování?

Co je Teya flexibilní financování?

Co je Teya flexibilní financování?

Jakou výši financování mohu získat?

Jakou výši financování mohu získat?

Jakou výši financování mohu získat?

Copyright © 2025 Teya Services Ltd. Teya Services Ltd je soukromá společnost s ručením omezeným registrovaná v Anglii a Walesu pod číslem 12271069 na adrese sídla Third Floor, 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN, United Kingdom. Teya Iceland hf disponuje povolením vydaným Islandským úřadem pro finanční služby a je oprávněna poskytovat platební služby v České republice.

Czechia (Čeština)

Copyright © 2025 Teya Services Ltd. Teya Services Ltd je soukromá společnost s ručením omezeným registrovaná v Anglii a Walesu pod číslem 12271069 na adrese sídla Third Floor, 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN, United Kingdom. Teya Iceland hf disponuje povolením vydaným Islandským úřadem pro finanční služby a je oprávněna poskytovat platební služby v České republice.

Czechia (Čeština)

Copyright © 2025 Teya Services Ltd. Teya Services Ltd je soukromá společnost s ručením omezeným registrovaná v Anglii a Walesu pod číslem 12271069 na adrese sídla Third Floor, 20 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AN, United Kingdom. Teya Iceland hf disponuje povolením vydaným Islandským úřadem pro finanční služby a je oprávněna poskytovat platební služby v České republice.

Czechia (Čeština)