Introducing Teya Tap


Teya Tap

Take payments, wherever you go

Ready, set, tap…

Contactless payments on the go

For busy days, out and about days, and so much more.

Learn the perfect tap

In-app practice rounds and helpful hints to make sure the real thing goes smoothly.

Payment Mode

Securely turn your store phone into a card machine

Give access to your staff

Allow your staff to accept payments on their phones

Get insights, issue refunds and check transactions

Find data, insights, transactions and issue refunds.


payments on the go


Ready, set, tap…

Contactless payments on the go

For busy days, out and about days, and so much more.

Learn the perfect tap

In-app practice rounds and helpful hints to make sure the real thing goes smoothly.

Payment Mode

Securely turn your store phone into a card machine

Give access to your staff

Allow your staff to accept payments on their phones

Get insights, issue refunds and check transactions

Find data, insights, transactions and issue refunds.


Take your first Tap today,
It's as easy as:


Search for "Teya" on the Google Play Store and download


Open the app, and press the card icon


Enter the amount, and ask your customers to Tap on the back




Download our app on the Google Play Store

Take your first Tap today,
It's as easy as:


Search for "Teya" on the Google Play Store and download


Open the app, and press the card icon


Enter the amount, and ask your customers to Tap on the back

Backed by the world's leading financial bodies

We've partnered with Mastercard and Visa to process payments you can trust.

We're registered as an Eletronic Money Institution in the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area.

We're certified to EMVCo standards by authorised evaluators to enable seamless and secure payments.

Teya Tap is certified at EMVCo standards, having attained L3 certifications with authorised evaluators.

Jesse – Meðlimur síðan nóvember 2023

Jesse – Meðlimur síðan nóvember 2023

Engin annar fyrirtæki hugsa um þjónustu við viðskiptavini eins og Teya. Þeir voru fljótir aðstoða mig í hverju skrefi og voru fúsir í að bæta viðskipti mín. Síðan ég byrjaði að nota Teya, hafa tekjur mínar aukist ótrúlega. Þeir eru mikið meira en greiðslufyrirtæki. Þeir eru eins og sannir viðskiptafélagar.

Car Rescue, Teya member since 2023

Great product! 📱😊

We’ve just installed Teya Tap on all our team members’ phones, enabling payments to be taken remotely which has been revolutionary.

Aromachology Studios, Teya member since 2023

Teya Tap

We find it quite easy to use and really straightforward. Its flexibility has really transformed our business.

Jesse – Meðlimur síðan nóvember 2023

Jesse – Meðlimur síðan nóvember 2023

Engin annar fyrirtæki hugsa um þjónustu við viðskiptavini eins og Teya. Þeir voru fljótir aðstoða mig í hverju skrefi og voru fúsir í að bæta viðskipti mín. Síðan ég byrjaði að nota Teya, hafa tekjur mínar aukist ótrúlega. Þeir eru mikið meira en greiðslufyrirtæki. Þeir eru eins og sannir viðskiptafélagar.

Car Rescue, Teya member since 2023

Great product! 📱😊

We’ve just installed Teya Tap on all our team members’ phones, enabling payments to be taken remotely which has been revolutionary.

Aromachology Studios, Teya member since 2023

Teya Tap

We find it quite easy to use and really straightforward. Its flexibility has really transformed our business.

Jesse – Meðlimur síðan nóvember 2023

Jesse – Meðlimur síðan nóvember 2023

Engin annar fyrirtæki hugsa um þjónustu við viðskiptavini eins og Teya. Þeir voru fljótir aðstoða mig í hverju skrefi og voru fúsir í að bæta viðskipti mín. Síðan ég byrjaði að nota Teya, hafa tekjur mínar aukist ótrúlega. Þeir eru mikið meira en greiðslufyrirtæki. Þeir eru eins og sannir viðskiptafélagar.

Car Rescue, Teya member since 2023

Great product! 📱😊

We’ve just installed Teya Tap on all our team members’ phones, enabling payments to be taken remotely which has been revolutionary.

Aromachology Studios, Teya member since 2023

Teya Tap

We find it quite easy to use and really straightforward. Its flexibility has really transformed our business.


83% of sales
are already contactless

83% of sales
are already contactless

Don't just take our word for it.

Don't just take our word for it.

"Contactless Payments Surge Across Europe with 80% of In-Store Visa Payments Now Contactless"


"Contactless Payments Grow by 16% in the Euro Area, Reaching 23.2 Billion Transactions in 2023"

-The European Central Bank

"175 Million Europeans Predicted to Use Contactless Payment Services by 2024"

-Mastercard and Maestro

Algengar spurningar

Algengar spurningar

How much does Teya Tap cost?

How much does Teya Tap cost?

How much does Teya Tap cost?

How do I get started with Teya Tap?

How do I get started with Teya Tap?

How do I get started with Teya Tap?

Is there a limit to the transaction amount I can accept?

Is there a limit to the transaction amount I can accept?

Is there a limit to the transaction amount I can accept?

Is Teya Tap secure?

Is Teya Tap secure?

Which phones can I use Teya Tap on?

Which phones can I use Teya Tap on?

What payment methods can I accept with Tap?

What payment methods can I accept with Tap?

Is Teya Tap secure?

Is Teya Tap secure?

Which phones can I use Teya Tap on?

Which phones can I use Teya Tap on?

What payment methods can I accept with Tap?

What payment methods can I accept with Tap?

Copyright © 2024 Teya Services Ltd. Teya Iceland hf. (kt. 440686-1259) er með starfsleyfi frá Fjármálaeftirliti Seðlabanka Íslands sem lánafyrirtæki.

Iceland (íslenskur)

Copyright © 2024 Teya Services Ltd. Teya Iceland hf. (kt. 440686-1259) er með starfsleyfi frá Fjármálaeftirliti Seðlabanka Íslands sem lánafyrirtæki.

Iceland (íslenskur)

Copyright © 2024 Teya Services Ltd. Teya Iceland hf. (kt. 440686-1259) er með starfsleyfi frá Fjármálaeftirliti Seðlabanka Íslands sem lánafyrirtæki.

Iceland (íslenskur)